Is bionet.neuroscience on the air?

Eugene Fong efong at teri.bio.uci.edu
Tue Apr 2 11:12:26 EST 1991

In article <1991Apr2.062447.1876 at elroy.jpl.nasa.gov>, mathew at jane.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Mathew Yeates) writes:
|> >
|> >PS: Anybody into neuro imaging?
|> >
|> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
|> now that you mention it ....
|> How can I tell from a CT how much damage has been done to the brain of
|> an aneurism patient. What do I look for?
|> Also, what are the relative merits of CT, PET, SPECT and MRI? Can
|> anything important be learned besides what is available in a CT?
|> Finally, can the patients prospect for a recovery be determined from
|> any of the above tests? (the patient is a relative)
|> Thanks
|> Mathew Yeates
|> mathew at jane.jpl.nasa.gov

Speaking about imaging does anyone do quantitative measures of
brain volume from MRI scans.  This would be very useful in noting
the amount of atrophy present
Eugene Fong

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