Ant trails and pheronomes (Any math models?)

Eric Neumann eneumann at bbn.com
Mon Apr 29 08:21:20 EST 1991

In article <9950 at discus.technion.ac.il> dario at techunix.technion.ac.il 
(Dario Ringach) writes:
> I would be grateful for any references to mathematical models of
> how working ants lay a pheronome trail leading from the food resource
> to the ant hole.  Thanks in advance for any help! --Dario

I'm not quite sure of the model used, but Mike Travis at the MIT Media Lab 
has developed an ant colony foraging model in a LISP environment he calls 
AGAR.  The program is based on the use of parallel agents, running simultaneously within each ant. The ants are capable of searching for food, bringing the food back to the colony, leaving pheromone trails, and following the trails back to the food again. The software was developed on the Mac platform.

Eric Neumann
BBN Laboratories
Cambridge, MA

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