Bionet.neuroscience newsgroup not yet in full service

Vincent A Mazzarella vamg6792 at uxa.cso.uiuc.edu
Mon Apr 1 20:14:38 EST 1991

The following is from a post of the bionet co-ordinator in the sci.bio
newsgroup a few days ago indicating the current status of this news-
group until further notice.

> Neuroscience newsgroup

[This] USENET newsgroup was just established, but the parallel mailing
lists in Europe are not in place yet. We would appreciate it if people
would hold off using it until an introductory message is posted to it
announcing its formal startup. The name ... of the group is bionet.

                     Dave Kristofferson, Ph.D.
                     GenBank Manager
                     kristoff at genbank.bio.net

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