[Microbiology] Microbiology - Abstract submission (Madrid-Spain, October 2013)

BioMicroWorld2013 Conference via microbio%40net.bio.net (by info from biomicroworld2013.org)
Fri Mar 15 07:47:15 EST 2013

Dear colleague,


You are cordially invited to participate and submit abstracts to the V
International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied
Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2013,  which will be held in the Faculty of
Medicine - Complutense University (Madrid, Spain) from 2 to 4 October 2013.



This conference will bring together researchers, engineers and scientists in
the fields of industrial microbiology, biotechnology, environmental
sciences, agricultural, food and medical microbiology, and other related
fields, to communicate current research priorities and progress in those
fields, and to identify new research approaches. Have a look at the full
list of topics:  http://www.biomicroworld2013.org/topics.html 


BioMicroWorld2013 consolidates a series of conferences, whose last edition,
held in Torremolinos-Malaga (Spain) in 2011, received nearly 1000 abstracts
to be considered for presentation and attracted more than 500 researchers
from nearly 60 countries.



Important Deadlines:

- Early registration: 4 June 2013

- Abstract submission: 2 July 2013 for oral presentations

- Abstract submission: 30 July 2013 for poster/virtual presentations

- Late registration: 3 September 2013

- Full paper submission: 23 October 2013



Publications-Dissemination of presented works:

- Abstract Book: A Book of  Abstracts will be produced  including all  the
proposals presented at the  conference. Each registered  participant will
receive a paperback copy at the beginning of the  conference. The Book of
Abstracts of the previous edition can be downloaded from here:



- Proceedings: The proceedings of  the meeting will be formally  released as

book that will be published by an international publishing house, which
will ensure an adequate international distribution and  availability of the
book. Only one full paper can be submitted, although two works can be
presented at the conference. Deadline for full paper  submission: 23 October

The proceedings of the previous edition, titled "Microbes in Applied

Current Advances and Challenges -
http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8462#t=aboutBook" were
published by World Scientific in 2012.


To keep you informed about all conference details, please fill the
pre-registration form at


We look forward to receiving your  proposals for work presentation  related
to your most relevant recent  research results.


Best regards,

Antonio Méndez-Vilas

BioMicroWorld2013 Chairman

e-mail: info from biomicroworld2013.org 



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