[Microbiology] CEPLAS Job Ad on Synthetic Microbiology

Marcel Bucher via microbio%40net.bio.net (by m.bucher from uni-koeln.de)
Tue Jan 15 15:46:17 EST 2013

Dear colleagues,

we are seeking excellent candidates who could be interested in applying for a tenure-track position in Synthetic Microbiology located within the Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (see further specifications in the attachment). Please send names and weblinks to m.bucher from uni-koeln.de.

Thank you very much in advance.

Kind regards,  

Marcel Bucher

Prof. Dr. Marcel Bucher
University of Cologne
Cologne Biocenter
Zülpicherstrasse 47b
50674 Cologne
voice +49 (0)221 4702481
fax +49 (0)221 4705900
skype marcel.bucher63

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