[Microbiology] single-copy plasmids

Holger Merker via microbio%40net.bio.net (by hmerker from ice.mpg.de)
Fri Jan 20 11:36:43 EST 2012

Dear all,

does anyone of you know of a plasmid (for E coli or Bacillus) that 
exists only as one copy in the cell??
I just found the pEU720 (described in Froehlich and Scott, Gene 108 
(1991), 99-101) and the F-plasmid.
Both are rather big, 13kb and larger. For the F-plasmid I found that 
there exist so called mini-Fs buit they exists in copynumber of 5-10.

So any comment is highly appreciated.

cheers, Holger

Dipl.Biol. Holger Merker
PhD student
fellow of the Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)

Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Ecology
Dept. of Bioorganic Chemistry
Hans Knoll Straße 8
07745 Jena

email: hmerker from ice.mpg.de	
tel:   +49-(0)3641-571212
fax:   +49-(0)3641-571202

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