[Microbiology] Network biology course, using Cytoscape

Heather Vincent via microbio%40net.bio.net (by Heather.Vincent from manchester.ac.uk)
Fri Jun 17 17:06:37 EST 2011

Networks as models of molecular interaction systems have a wide range of 
applications, from studies of the evolution of host-pathogen 
interactions to the identification of potential drug targets.  Cytoscape 
is a popular tool for the visualisation and analysis of these networks.

The University of Manchester's distance learning course, 'Bioinformatics 
for Systems Biology' 
covers the use of networks for the integration and visualisation of 
biological data.  It could be taken as a single course, or with one or 
more of our other Masters level courses in Digital Biology.  Our other 
online courses include :

Mathematics for metabolic modelling
Bioinformatics for transcriptomics
Computational Systems Biology

Bioinformatics for Systems Biology covers:

* The use of models in biology
* Structure and use of public pathway and interaction databases
* Reconstruction of biological networks from experimental data
* Network statistics
* Integration of transcriptome data with a network
* Advanced topics

The final section will prepare participants for our advanced course in 
'Computational Systems Biology'.

You will find links to all of our online courses here : 
http://octette.cs.man.ac.uk/bioinformatics/modules/index.html  If you 
have questions about any course, please contact the tutor named on the 
course information page.  For general queries about the programme, and 
to apply, please mail our office for Advanced Professional Education 
(ape from cs.man.ac.uk).

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