[Microbiology] Call for Applications: Modeling Free-roaming Cats and Rabies, A NIMBioS Investigative Workshop

Catherine Crawley via microbio%40net.bio.net (by ccrawley from nimbios.org)
Fri Jun 10 10:21:33 EST 2011

The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
(NIMBioS) is now accepting applications for its  Investigative Workshop,
*"Modeling Free-Roaming Cats and Rabies," *to be held November 9-11,
2011, at NIMBioS.
Objectives: * Cats are the most popular companion animal in the U.S.
with more than 81 million living in our homes. The number of
free-roaming cats (FRC) is unknown but estimated to be 32 to 53
million.* *The population dynamics of free-roaming cats and the ways in
which they transmit infectious disease are not fully understood.
Concerns about the health of FRCs themselves, zoonotic disease
transmission, transmission of diseases to other non-human species,
predation on native wildlife species and nuisance complaints are common.
Our first step is to identify existing data sources and critical data
gaps relating to FRC population dynamics and rabies transmission. Our
second step is to review and consider the strengths and weaknesses of
the different types of modeling approaches (mathematical, systems,
statistical, simulation) using the expertise of our participants.
Location: *NIMBioS at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Co-Organizers: *Margaret R. Slater (American Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals, Shelter Research and Development, Urbana, IL);
Yang Kuang (Mathematics, Arizona State Univ., School of Mathematical and
Statistical Sciences, Tempe, AZ) *
For more information about the workshop and a link to the online
application form, go to _http://nimbios.org/workshops/WS_cats_rabies_

If needed, applicants may request travel and lodging support.
Participation is limited, and those selected to attend will be notified
within two weeks of the application deadline. *Application deadline:
July 31, 2011
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
(NIMBioS) (_http://www.nimbios.org_ <http://www.nimbios.org/>) brings
together researchers from around the world to collaborate across
disciplinary boundaries to investigate solutions to basic and applied
problems in the life sciences. NIMBioS is sponsored by the National
Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the
U.S. Department of Agriculture with additional support from The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Catherine Crawley, Ph.D.
Communications Coordinator
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
University of Tennessee
1534 White Avenue, Suite 400
Knoxville, TN 37996-1527
e _ccrawley from nimbios.org_ <mailto:ccrawley from nimbios.org>
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