[Microbiology] Antibiotics database online for free

Alexander via microbio%40net.bio.net (by a.pauli from reviewscience.com)
Sun Jul 10 08:29:59 EST 2011

Dear collegues,
last week I made the access free to an online database abot
antibiotics, antimycotics, antiseptics and disinfectants. It covers
the licensed drugs on the markets of Japan, USA and Europe - over
70.000 data records, name: AmicBase Drugs-Online 2011.
This service is free to everybody.
Display detailed antibiotic spectra, activity ranges, kind of
antibiotic classes - their members and much more.
Data is actual up to t5he year 2006. Update is intended.
Please, have a look and spread this information - thx !
Comments and suggestions are welcome. I would be happy for placing a
message in my guestbook.

Sincerely yours
Alexander Pauli

via my webpage


Dr. Alexander Pauli
Fürther Str. 13
90513 Zirndorf
a.pauli from reviewscience.com

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