[Microbiology] eight PhD fellowships

Isabell Witt via microbio%40net.bio.net (by isabell.witt from uni-koeln.de)
Fri Feb 12 11:42:05 EST 2010

Cologne International Graduate School

>From Embryo to old Age, 

Development, Health and Disease

8 Fellowships

3-year Ph.D. programme starting fall 2010


The University of Cologne has a long-standing tradition and world-wide
reputation for top-level molecular biological research. Beginning in Fall
2010 the Research School in Biology „From embryo to old age: the cell
biology and genetics of health and disease“ will be offering a high-level
Ph.D. programme for students with excellent qualifications. The
participating research groups use microbial, plant and animal model systems
to investigate cell biological and genetic mechanisms whose perturbation
during the life cycle of an organism results in disease.

The three-year programme starts with a six-month rotation and course period,
followed by a PhD project in one of the participating groups. Seminars and
training courses complement the research work. Comprehensive support is
provided throughout the programme. The programme language is English.
Accepted students will receive a laptop computer and 500 EUR to get started
in Cologne. No tuition fees are charged. 


Eight competitive three-year fellowships (initially 1100 EUR, then 1400 EUR
per month) are available. 

We invite you to apply to the IGSDHD in Cologne, the exciting city in the
heart of Europe.


To obtain further information please visit our website at:



Deadline for application is15 April, 2010


Contact: Dr. Isabell Witt, IGSDHD, Zülpicher Strasse 47

D-50674 Cologne, 

Phone:  +49 (0) 221 470 1683

Fax: +49 (0) 221 470 1632

bio-gradschool from uni-koeln.de 




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