[Microbiology] MyNetResearch fastest growing website for researchers

Arin280 via microbio%40net.bio.net (by arin280 from gmail.com)
Thu Dec 16 12:36:14 EST 2010

Dear Academic Researcher,

Research tools have changed a great deal over the years.  The
Huffington Post said in the article, Science Goes Social;
"=85scientists have so far relied too heavily on published papers and
per-chance meetings at conferences to share scientific know-how."

The Huffington Post continues;
"Sites like MyNetResearch.com (have) features to manage and organize
one's literature searches, and options to recommend papers to friends
and colleagues. They also allow scientists to share protocols and edit
and comment on articles through social bookmarking tools"

What are some use cases for MyNetResearch?

Problem: You need a collaborator to work with you on a paper or grant
Solution: Search the 16,000+ member database and invite the best-
suited members to work with you

Problem: You are unsure of a research sampling design
Solution: Use the Expert Adviser to find the appropriate sample design

Problem: You would like to publish an article to obtain reviews from
Solution: Publish your article in the Articles Section

MyNetResearch members have enrolled from 95 countries and numerous
research specialties.

We invite you to try out MyNetResearch.com. Regular Membership is
free.  Join at www.MyNetResearch.com.


Bay Arinze, Senior Editor
Empowering Collaboration=99

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