[Microbiology] Re: Do Amoebae Live In a 2D or a 3D Environment?

Angus via microbio%40net.bio.net (by leeroy.kincaidREMOVE from hi.t-com.hr)
Sun Aug 22 07:12:45 EST 2010

Bradley K. Sherman wrote:
> The typical cartoon of phagocytosis by an amoeba shows two
> pseudopods enclosing, say, a paramecium, joining and engulfing
> the food.  But why wouldn't the ciliate simply escape up or down?
>    --bks

Of course they live in a 3D environment. When we watch them under the 
microscope we see 2 dimensions only (3rd can be seen by turning the wheels, 
but it's rather thin since it's between slides). They also don't loook the 
way you see them, they have 3 dimensions themselves, and the reason you see 
inside of them is becase the membrane is transparent.

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