Hi Jitesh
I was going to dismiss your post and request as rubbish because on first
read it seemed nonsensical.
However I read your blog and you seem like a very bright enthusiastic guy
to me and I really do wish luck and success in your career
this statment :
"I am studying the cell organelles in uni-cellular & multi-cellular
organisms for their thinking capabilities"
doesnt make sense what do you mean by "thinking". ?
Regards Limbic
"jitesh dundas" <jbdundas from gmail.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.952.1252941915.21502.microbio from net.bio.net...
> Dear Sir/Madam,
>> I am studying the cell organelles in uni-cellular & multi-cellular
> organisms for their thinking capabilities.I have some tests to perform
> & I would appreciate if some expert in (cell-biology) could help me in
> providing experimental data for these tests.
>> The tests are very basic & may have been already done. I open to some
> suggestions on any new experiments for my research..
>> Please let me know if you need anything else from my side.
>> Regards,
> Jitesh Dundas