[Microbiology] Last Call for Abstract Submission - BioMicroWorld2009 Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), 2-4 December 2009

Jose Antonio Mesa Gonzalez via microbio%40net.bio.net (by joseba.mesa from gmail.com)
Sat Sep 12 13:06:45 EST 2009

III International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied
Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2009), Lisbon (Portugal), 2-4 December

 Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission: 29 September 2009 /
Extended Deadline for Early Registration: 18 September 2009

Dear colleague,

 You are still in time to submit abstracts to the BioMicroWorld2009
Conference in order to share your research in the field of applied
If you are interested in submitting an abstract:

 The Conference will be structured in 8 general sessions and 10
special sessions:

 General Sessions of BioMicroWorld2009

 - Agriculture, Soil, Forest Microbiology
 - Analytical and Imaging Techniques. Microscopy
 - Environmental, Marine, Aquatic Microbiology. Geomicrobiology
 - Food Microbiology
 - Industrial Microbiology - Future Bioindustries
 - Medical & Pharmaceutical Microbiology
 - Methods - Quantitative Models and Bioinformatics in Microbiology
 - Microbial Physiology, Metabolism and Gene Expression

Special Sessions of BioMicroWorld2009

 - Antimicrobial Surfaces
 - Bacterial derived antimicrobial toxins
 - Biofilms
 - Bioremediation
 - Biotechnologically Relevant Enzymes and Proteins
 - Microarrays in Microbiology
 - Microbial Biosensors (transducers, recognition)
 - Microfactories - Microbial Production of Chemicals and
 - Single-cell analysis of microbes
 - Synthesis of nanomaterials (nanoparticles, nanowires...) by

Key Dates

 - 18 September 2009: Extended deadline for early registration
 - 29 September 2009: Extended deadline for abstract submission
 - 28 October: Notification of definitive presentation mode (for
participants whose first option is oral presentation mode)
 - 11 November 2009: Deadline for registration

 Accepted abstracts/proposals will be presented in the Conference and
published in the Book of Abstracts. Besides, they will also be
considered for long papers, which could be published either in the
special issues of the journals with which the Conference will agree
their publication, or in the Conference Proceedings Book that will be
published in 2010 by World Scientific Publishing Group, which is one
of the world=92s leading academic publishers that will ensure an
international distribution of the BioMicroWorld2009 Proceedings.

Plenary Lecturers

 Dr. Hermann Heipieper, from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental
Research =96 UFZ in Germany, will present the lecture titled
=93Microbial Adaptation to Toxic Organic Solvents=96 Mechanisms and
Biotechnological Applications=94
 Prof. Dr. Stefan D=FCbel, from the Institute for Biochemistry and
Biotechnology, Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany, will
expound on
"Antibodies from Bacteria"

 Virtual Participation

 In addition to the oral and posters presentations, a Virtual
Participation mode has been established for those researchers unable
to attend the Conference personally. These participants will be
requested to send "virtual papers", which will be exhibited and
discussed at the online platform for virtual participation. These
papers can be prepared using Power Point, Flash or similar software,
or video recordings. Please consult the conference website for

 Full details about the conference including registration,
accommodation, venue, submission instructions and Lisbon useful
information can be consulted on the conference website:

  For any doubts or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
biomicro2009 from formatex.org

 BioMicroWorld2009 Secretariat
 Formatex Research Center
 e-mail: biomicro2009 from formatex.org
 Phone: +34 924 25 86 15
 Fax: +34 924 26 30 53

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