[Microbiology] Request For A partner on my projects

jitesh dundas via microbio%40net.bio.net (by jbdundas from gmail.com)
Tue Nov 17 02:25:15 EST 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am looking for a research partner who could help me perform wet lab
experiments. I do not have access to wet lab experiment equipments and that
is the only thing that stops me from completing my work. I have 2 papers
that need some biology inputs.

Please let me know if there is any enthusiastic and willing scientist who is
ready to help me in my work. I will be happy to make him my co-author in all
the research papers that are involved ( for the current two papers and other
papers in future too )

I look forward to a positive reply from some experts in this group.

Jitesh Dundas

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