[Microbiology] Re: E.coli MC4100 thi- genotype

N10 via microbio%40net.bio.net (by limbic_lesion from hotmail.com)
Sun Mar 8 20:25:12 EST 2009

"Julian Spagnuolo" <julianspagnuolo from hotmail.com> wrote in message 
news:mailman.310.1235494899.13724.microbio from net.bio.net...

Hello fellow slaves of science.
I'm trying to create a pspA reporter plasmid by linking the psp
promoter using the thi- genotype of E.coli MC4100 as an auxotrophic
marker, however I'm having 'a little' trouble finding out which gene
has actually been deleted or mutated so that I can incorporate it into
my plasmid.
Does anyone out there know what gene the thi- in E.coli MC4100 actually is?


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