[Microbiology] 16s rRNA sequencing-doubt

Kanchanadevi k via microbio%40net.bio.net (by kdevik from gmail.com)
Thu Dec 3 06:39:26 EST 2009

hi every one

i did sequence bacteial 16s rRNA gene for identification
manually assembled the full length sequence and blasted in NCBI website.

i did it this sequence for two bacterial sample

in one sample the blast result shown 100 number of similar bacteria name and
all of these have 98% identity with the query.
if i see species there is around 4 species which occurs repeatedly among 100

i have doubt which bacteria is mine query belongs to
i thought of doing biochemical test to confirm
but all are showing 98% so, which one to select???

in seecond sample all blast result showing 93% identity
so, here also i have doubt
whether i can consider this 93% identity or not??
if i consider which one i can select???

can anyone help me???

thank u so much



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