[Microbiology] Brownian motion

Stéphane Houle via microbio%40net.bio.net (by Stephane.Houle from brebeuf.qc.ca)
Wed Dec 2 21:14:36 EST 2009

Dear Dr Alan J. Cann,

Could you tell me some information about the Brownian motion video (rate of frames, dimension of image, ...)? I would like to do some homework about that video with my students, and I need these informations.

Thank you very much.

Stéphane Houle
Coordonnateur du département de physique
Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf
Tél: 514-342-1320 #5462
Courriel: Stephane.Houle from brebeuf.qc.ca

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