[Microbiology] Re: restriction enzyme to digest 16srRNA pcr product

Duncan Clark via microbio%40net.bio.net (by blackhole from abuse.plus.com)
Tue Aug 4 10:44:46 EST 2009

Historians believe that in newspost 
<mailman.714.1249327726.21502.microbio from net.bio.net> on Tue, 4 Aug 2009, 
Kanchanadevi k <kdevik from gmail.com> penned the following literary 
>i need to digest 16srRNA pcr product with restrication enzyme
>can any one tell me commonly used enzyme for 16srRNA pcr product.
>actually i  have isolated around 50 strains of unknown bacterial sample
>and i did 16srRNA amplication with universal primer 1492R, 27F
>now i just wanted to see whether these bacterial strain are same or
>different for further studies
>for i wanted to digest them with restriction enzyme
>so can any one tell me which enzyme i can use.

You will have to identify an enzyme that gives you enough fragments to 
see if the isolates are similar or not. One cannot suggest a particular 
enzyme as it will depend upon the sequence of your 16S. All I can 
suggest is that you try a few 4bp recognition enzymes i.e. Hae III, Hpa 
II, Sau3AI, Hinf I, Taq I, BstU I, Hha I etc. Pick the one that works 
best for you.

I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing noise they make as
they go flying by.

Duncan Clark
GeneSys Ltd.

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