[Microbiology] restriction enzyme to digest 16srRNA pcr product

Kanchanadevi k via microbio%40net.bio.net (by kdevik from gmail.com)
Mon Aug 3 13:38:15 EST 2009

hi everyone

i need to digest 16srRNA pcr product with restrication enzyme
can any one tell me commonly used enzyme for 16srRNA pcr product.

actually i  have isolated around 50 strains of unknown bacterial sample
and i did 16srRNA amplication with universal primer 1492R, 27F
now i just wanted to see whether these bacterial strain are same or
different for further studies
for i wanted to digest them with restriction enzyme
so can any one tell me which enzyme i can use.

thank u so much

K.Kanchana Devi,
Research Scholar,

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