[Microbiology] Re: which medium

Larry Farrell via microbio%40net.bio.net (by farrlarr from isu.edu)
Wed Apr 1 12:42:19 EST 2009

s02001213 from student.usp.ac.fj wrote:
> Hi.Please help!!
> Which medium do i use for the cultivation of this particular bacteria in the
> following surrounding.
> Bacteria: unknown
> Site: Sugar mill effluent outfall (in the sea)
> The topic of my study is abundance of culturable bacteria at the sugar mill out
> fall.
> Thanx!!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
Your best bet is to (1) discuss the issue with the instructor who 
assigned the study (you will be surprised how much information they can 
provide, and how interested they will in discussing the project with 
you), and (2) do some digging in the literature (you will be surprised 
how much you can learn by doing some work on your own, including 
learning to use the primary literature, an invaluable skill on its own, 
and even [dare one even hope] possibly learning to do some thinking on 
your own).  Bottom line: Don't expect anyone else to do your homework or 
your research for you.  It isn't in either their or your best interests.

Larry D. Farrell, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Microbiology
Idaho State University

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