[Microbiology] Re: Pathogen Modeling Program 5.0

John Gentile via microbio%40net.bio.net (by yjgent from nospamcox.net)
Mon Mar 17 19:17:06 EST 2008

On 2008-03-16 14:47:03 -0400, Mariel Gullian <marielgullian from mac.com> said:

> How can I get the pathogen modeling program.
> Thank you for the information.
> Regards
> Mariel Gullian

Have you tried a Google search? I found it in about 10 seconds, and it 
appears to be up to version 7, and there is also an online version. 
Look at the system requirments, it looks like a Windows only version 
for download, you might have to use the online version if you are using 
a Mac.
Here is the web site: http://www.arserrc.gov/mfs/PMP7_start.htm
John Gentile MS, M(ASCP)
Laboratory Information Mgr.
VA Medical Center
Providence, RI 
yjgent from cox.net

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