[Microbiology] Re: Problem with cultivation on anaerobic solid media

N10 via microbio%40net.bio.net (by limbic_lesion from hotmail.com)
Wed Nov 14 18:29:39 EST 2007

"Luzan Tatiana" <txl8326 from louisiana.edu> wrote in message 
news:mailman.615.1195074105.23109.microbio from net.bio.net...
> In my lab we use hungate bottles only for the liquid anaerobic media and 
> bi-
> layer solid media. We have to do inoculations on solid meida only using
> Petri dishes in the anaerobic jar supplemented with gas-packs or 
> controlled
> atmosphere anaerobic chamber. THere is a problem in the chamber: the cag
> mixture we use is 10% Hydrogen,   15% CO2 and Nitrogen as the rest. While
> incubating plates inside, the media dries up very quickly and an enourmous
> condensation is forming! IT is almost a lake of water there.
> IS there any product which would absorb an acess condensate?
> Thanks a lot
> --
>  Tanya Luzan
> Research Assistant
> Department of Biology
> University of Louisiana at Lafayette
> Phone (Office): 482-5056

Hi Luzan

How long are you incubating for ?  I use a similar system and have no 
problems for up to 48 hours at 37'c

You could try a  Petri dish  containg  a layer of Silica gel ( dried)  to 
absorb the  humidity.

Obvioulsy check  for zero effects on colony yield :)

Best Des

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