[Microbiology] Identification of bacteria

Kanchanadevi k via microbio%40net.bio.net (by kdevik from gmail.com)
Wed May 2 00:49:05 EST 2007

Dear all.

I would like Identify 6 bacterial strains which has been isolated from the
I am searching for the place in India where i could submit my culture for
Can you please help me in this regard.

And also  I have been searching for 16s rRNA Unviersal primer sequence  the
Bacterial Identification.
But, i couldn't get.
Can you please help me to get the Universal primer sequence for 16s r RNA.

I will be very thank full If you could help me in this aspects as soon as


K.Kanchana Devi,
Senior Research Fellow,
Centre for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystem,
University of Delhi,
Delhi =96 110 007.

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