[Microbiology] Alternative group for serious microbiologists

JEDilworth via microbio%40net.bio.net (by bactitech from nospamhortonsbay.com)
Sat Mar 10 00:03:46 EST 2007


I moderate the above group. No spammers, religious proselytizing, non-micro
topics, flamers, or homework seekers are tolerated. Spammers will be banned
immediately. The rest will be given warnings and then banned if they
continue. In other words, it's what a micro group SHOULD be.

This group welcomes any posting regarding any type of microbiological
topic - not just medical micro.

I'm strict but fair. If you're truly interested in microbiology topics, try
the group out.

Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)
Microbiology (and moderator) 

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