[Microbiology] Re: I don't know why!!!

Tom McCloud via microbio%40net.bio.net (by mccloud-tom from worldnet.att.net)
Tue Jun 12 22:07:56 EST 2007

On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:21:37 -0000, tuffwave <tuffwave from gmail.com>
>I'm working about lactic acid bacteria.
>I used 20% glycerol+20% glucose solution for preventing the damage by
>In lab-scale, this process is normal.
>But when this process is scale-up (250L main fermentation->suspension
>using 15 L anti-freezing reagent), lactic acid bacteria was dead over
>I don't know why cell death by scale-up was happened.
>Help me!!!

Not sure we have enough facts,  but what is the volume of the culture
which has poor viability and what is the volume of the culture that
maintains good viability?   Cell damage is generally least with quick
freeze/quick thaw while there is greater cell damage with slow freeze
slow thaw.   Could it be that your larger volume is freezing much more
slowly and likewise defrosting much more slowly?  Tom McCloud

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