[Microbiology] riboflavin production

redsa ewwdd via microbio%40net.bio.net (by guruviswam from yahoo.com)
Thu Dec 13 06:11:53 EST 2007

Dear Sir Greetings. I understand from the scientific journals that you are doing lot of research projects related to vitamin production using microbes.. I would like to inform that I like to carry out a pilot project on production of riboflavin in laboratory using probiotics bacteria "for which I need your help to collect the related information/ procedure for determination / assay of vitamin B2 produced through bacterial fermentation (.i.e. I want to study the production of riboflavin in laboratory by using bacteria such as Lactobacillus. Leuconostoc. Bifidobacterium   . I want to quantitatively estimate the vitamin produced in the cultures .. Please indicate the procedure or method available for determination like fermenatation medium, identificaton of vitamin in medium, recovery  quantitative assay etc,,.Please send me the detailed procedure through my email id.
 With  kind regards
 yours sincerely.
 Dr.K.Viswanathan, M.V.Sc., Ph.D.
 Dept. Of Animal Nutrition,
  Madras veterinary college, Chennai
 Tamilnadu , India

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