[Microbiology] tetrathionate synthesis

Luzan Tatiana via microbio%40net.bio.net (by txl8326 from louisiana.edu)
Wed Dec 5 15:19:44 EST 2007

I am trying to synthesize the potassium tetrathionate according to the 
recipie in P.A. Trudinger, 1961. Thiosulfate Oxidation and Cytochromes in 
Thiobacillus X. 2. Thiosulfate oxidizing enzyme. Biochem. J. 78, 680.

The recipie says literally:
50 g of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3,5H2O) was dissolved in 100ml of water 
and oxidized to completion with iodine. An excess of potassium acetate was 
added and K2S4O6 precipitated by the addition of 4 volumes of absolute 
ethanol. The material was rtecrustalized from 0.5N HCl. 

When I tried to do that, I could not oxidize the thiosulfate solution. First 
of all, the iodine we have is not readily soluble in water. Could you please 
help with the reagent names and preparation? 

I also appreciate if anyone will send me a different recipie for the 
tetrathionate synthesis with explanations. 

Thanks a lot

Tanya (txl8326 from louisiana.edu).  

  Tanya Luzan 
Research Assistant 
Department of Biology
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Phone (Office): 482-5056

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