[Microbiology] a problem in INGENY system

Gokhan Turker via microbio%40net.bio.net (by gokhanturker from yahoo.com)
Fri Aug 10 04:25:34 EST 2007

Dear Else Buenemann,

While searching net for the problems in INGENYPhorU2 system,I come up to your answer in a forum about Ingeny. 

We purchased the system and I wanted today run a screening exp. I added first 10 lt of dI water to the reservoir and then fill up to 15 lt with required amount of TAE buffer sol. to have 15 lt of 1XTAE buffer. The buffer level is higher than the suggested mark but I cannot perform heating process. I added 2 lt more 1XTAE buffer and still no numbers in heating screen.

Did you had a problem similar to this? May you help me or suggest some solution.

Thank you very much

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