[Microbiology] Re: where to get bacteria growth medium

Larry Farrell via microbio%40net.bio.net (by farrlarr from isu.edu)
Thu Oct 12 14:43:59 EST 2006

Given the difficulties that a "hobbyist or 
student" can generate by playing around with 
microorganisms about which they know little or 
nothing, I would not suggest that that such 
purchases should be made by individuals. 
Bacteria, fungi and yeasts can be nasty if not 
handled properly with appropriate supervision, and 
handling in make-shift facilities almost 
guarantees that problems of various sorts will arise.

xwaltz from gmail.com wrote:
> Is there a place where a hobbyist or student can purchase bacteria
> growth mediums such as BSKII or BSHK?
> Thanks!

Larry D. Farrell, Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology
Idaho State University

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