[Microbiology] Seeking researchers on entomopathogens

dawn At stantonwrites.com via microbio%40net.bio.net (by dawn At stantonwrites.com)
Thu Nov 16 16:30:06 EST 2006

I'm currently a graduate student at Portland State University working on a
literary nonfiction thesis about butterflies. (Science writing for a
general audience.)

Throughout my thesis one of the themes I'm exploring is what butterflies
and humans have in common. In the chapter I'm currently researching, I'm
focusing on entomopathology, particularly things that attack Lepidopteran
larvae in diapause (in the field as well as in an artifical environment
such as a Petri dish).

If anyone is doing research in this field that they'd be willing to share
with me, I'd be grateful. I can be contacted at dawn At stantonwrites.com.

Best regards,
Dawn Stanton

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