[Microbiology] rbcL primer

Karin du Plessis PLBKRDP at puknet.puk.ac.za
Mon Mar 27 03:08:13 EST 2006

I have found youre question on the internet where you asked for help on PCR of rbcL of cyanobacteria
I am a Phd student in South Africa and need to do realtime PCR on the rbcL of cyanobacteria (environmental samples), primarily on Microcystis. I don't have any primer sequences available for it and were hoping that maybe you can help me with that.  
Did the primers you used worked? On which species did you work? and is it maybe possible for me to use the same sequences?
Karin Conradie
PLBKRDP at puknet.puk.ac.za
084 608 0878
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