[Microbiology] Re: Acetic vs citric acid

N10 limbic_lesion at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 20 16:17:40 EST 2006


Also depending on the type of animal you are intending to cater for you might care to consider Lactic acid as an option.

Best N10

  "JEDilworth" <bactitech at nospamhortonsbay.com> wrote in message news:YZidnWUn15PUcoPZRVn-jw at buckeye-express.com...
  Would animals like vinegar? That's what acetic acid is. Citric acid probably tastes better. Which would you eat?

  Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)
    "kathy vilainatre" <katnaja at yahoo.com> wrote in message news:mailman.224.1142875183.16885.microbio at net.bio.net...
    As a background to my request, I am currently trying to decide what the best formula or composition for a liquid acidifier of animal nutrition would be. I notice that many formula's include citric acid, but was wondering if it is necessary? Or if other acids might work better.
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