[Microbiology] Plastic ( PS) Petri Dishes

N10 limbic_lesion at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 14 17:49:48 EST 2006


In Europe at leasts the price of plastic disposables is escalating  as I 
write. Today I turned my mind to ways of redesigning the humble but 
ubiquitous Petri dish to counter the current trend and thus make them 
cheaper  to produce and perhaps a little more eco friendly. The current 
usage in the Lab I work in is 35000 plates per week so any cost saving would 
be significant.

Here are a couple of my ideas ;

a)     For certain applications opaque lids made form  cheaper recycled or 
primary  polymers would suffice and could well be significantly cheaper
b)    Again for certain applications a  card  or reinforced  lid ( 
Biodegradable)  would suffice.
c)     For spread plate applications a biodegreable suitabley lined unit 
made completely from recyled paper or card might be just the ticket

Any thoughts ?

Best N10 

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