[Microbiology] Re: help needed with dilution problem

Bob bbx107 at excite.XXXX.com
Wed Mar 8 21:44:34 EST 2006

On 8 Mar 2006 14:13:03 -0800, bharati.srini at gmail.com wrote:

>how can u solve this word problem on serial dilutions:design a dilution
>series that has at least three steps andends with a TDF of 10e-8.the
>smallest volume transferred between any two tubes is .01ml and the
>largest volume of the diluent i any individual tube is 9.99ml.
>thanks for the help.

Give an example (or two) of single dilution steps that would be

For simplicity, make the dilutions powers of 10 (that is 10, 100,
etc). That isn't always done, but it is easier, and there is no reason
here to make it more complex.

Have you done any microbiology lab work? If so, you should have
encountered some common dilutions. If not, invent one or two that fit
the rules given in the problem. (There are many ways to solve the
problem, so it is for you to be bold and do it.)


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