Bob schrieb:
>>> This talks about one step in the pathway you suggest, for Salmonella
> growing on propionate. This prompted me to quickly look at some other
> things I have. My sense is that this is a fairly recent discovery. A
> source not much older than this article said that propionate
> catabolism was not well understood, but probably went thru succinate
> or pyruvate.
Whew, difficult to read, but that one didn't cover what I was looking
for. But, as I just found out, this recovery is in fact recent.
> So I now admit there does seem to be such a cycle, probably fairly
> recently discovered. But I will remain skeptical that this is the main
> pathway that most organisms use for the small amount of propionate
> they get from long chain odd-C FA. Perhaps what was well known is no
> longer true, but I would want to see the evidence.
Also true, in fact this seems to be the way that is not commonly used.
> If all else fails, go eat some Swiss cheese, and see what happens.
Mhmm, I love swiss cheese.!
> Ah, also see
Ahh, this one finally solved my problem. I know enough now to get the
comtext right I think. As soon as I got all of it pieced together, I'll
post an abstract about what I learned, If you wish. Thanks a lot, you
really have been a big help to me.
All the best,