[Microbiology] Very active Life Scientist discussion forum for protocol help

r.mankhey at gmail.com r.mankhey at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 12:17:04 EST 2006

I've noticed a lot of questions here that haven't been answered very
quickly.  I like to go to this forum:


and post my protocol questions.  They get responded to pretty quickly,
and you can be sure they're good answers. The site is a free membership
site for qualified life scientists with a lot more to offer than an
active forum.  They also have surveys and stuff and you can get points
and redeem them for prizes. There's more I could tell, but check it
out! You can apply for membership and start as soon as your profile is
approved.  I highly recommend it.

Or you can just go to www.scienceboard.net for the homepage.

good luck, all!


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