[Microbiology] Re: Chondria crispus?

Bob bbx107 at excite.XXXX.com
Mon Jan 23 23:34:01 EST 2006

On 19 Jan 2006 18:40:03 -0800, big_george_lake at yahoo.com wrote:

>I am seeking strains of the red alga,
>Chondria crispus plus possibly other species
>of Chondria.  Does anyone out there have any strains they would
>like to sell to me?  I am perhaps incompetent,
>but I cannot find this species in the online
>culture collections anywhere.  I am a hobbyist
>and have some culturing ideas I wish to pursue.

Why not check the scientific literature (e.g., using Scirus), and find
a university lab working on it. Write to them, with a brief statement
of your interest. Ask them if they can recommend a source. Perhaps
they will even provide you some strains, if they think you know what
you are doing.


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