Please would you post the following message to the list members of Microbio.
“In 2006, the Department of Microbiology at NUI, Galway will be organising the Infectious Disease UREKA Summer Undergraduate Research Programme. The Infectious Disease UREKA Programme offers Irish and International undergraduate students the opportunity to experience laboratory research and to acquire a range of scientific skills. Students conduct an independent research project on an infectious disease topic with an active research group at NUI, Galway. They also attend a series of events to develop the skills needed for a research career. 10 places are available for students who will be entering the final year of their undergraduate degree in autumn 2006. Students with a strong interest in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases are particularly encouraged to apply. In 2006, the programme will run from June 6th to August 11th with stipends of €300/week and travel funds for international students. Full details and application forms are available at www.nuigalway.ie/microbiology/ureka. Return completed application forms by e–mail to: IDUREKA at nuigalway.ie or by post to: ID UREKA Programme 2006, Microbiology Department, NUI Galway, Ireland. Closing Date: 24th March 2006.”
Thank you
Aoife Boyd, PhD
Department of Microbiology
National University of Ireland, Galway
ph: 353-91-492404
fax: 353-91-494598
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