[Microbiology] Clostridium dificile (Genomic DNA)

Garcia, Veronica J Veronica.Garcia at twc.state.tx.us
Tue Jan 17 11:11:39 EST 2006

To whom it may concern:
I am requesting this information to assist me in the course of an
investigation filed with this agency.  I would appreciate any assistance
Please explain what are MRSA and Clostridium Dificile.  Please explain what
major life activity is substantially limited due to this condition, if any.
Is it a condition that is temporary or permanent?  Is the condition
controlled by medication?  How could these conditions affect ones employment
and are there any accommodations that would be necessary to allow a person
with this condition to be employed?
Thank you,
Veronica J. Garcia
Civil Right Investigator
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