[Microbiology] Re: enumeration of non-cultureable bacteria

Des home at micro-search.co.uk
Sat Aug 19 08:44:07 EST 2006


The PCR route sounds like the best option so far.

Im interested to know how you know there are Ecoli present in your samples 
if they are non cuturable.

Best N10
<myrehfuss at ucdavis.edu> wrote in message 
news:1155851145.838978.261920 at p79g2000cwp.googlegroups.com...
> biovirus04 at gmail.com wrote:
>> That's partially what I didn't get.  Why would E. coli be
>> non-culturable?
>> --Alex
> Stress and low pH can induce a VBNC state in E. coli.  Perhaps NaCl and
> osmotic stress (or some other stress) in seawater can do likewise?
> VBNC E coli are apparently found in aquatic environments.
> Another method of enumeration that requires no culture would be FISH
> using E coli specific probes.
> Marc

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