[Microbiology] Afscheidsrede, Delft

Lesley Robertson l.a.robertson at tnw.tudelft.nl
Wed Nov 23 04:21:36 EST 2005

This is the last reminder that J.Gijs Kuenen, Professor of Microbiology at 
Delft, will give his retirement lecture on Friday 2nd December, 2005, in the 
Aula of Delft University of Technology. Anybody wishing to attend must be in 
their seat by 14:45. The lecture will be given in dutch.
There are more details here: http://kuenen.bt.tudelft.nl, then select 
"afscheidsrede". It is not necessary to register for the symposium to attend 
the rede.

Lesley Robertson
Chairman, Full Circles Organising Committee

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