"Lesley Robertson" <l.a.robertson at tnw.tudelft.nl> wrote in message
news:910b4$42282b0d$82a1f636$12932 at news1.tudelft.nl...
>> "N10" <limbic_lesion at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:d0880f$iss$1 at sparta.btinternet.com...>> This MArs research is exciting stuff
>>>>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/sci_tech/2003/race_for_mars/default.stm>>>> The possibilty of life in the subterraian OCEANS is keeping me awake at
>> night, I mean it . What does everyone else think, feel , hope about
>> this. It could mean a major biological and philosophical event is just
>> 10 billion dollars away .
>>> The fact that they've now found a frozen ocean, plus methane, ammonia and
> formaldehyde - all of which are not stable in the Nartian atmosphere for
> more than 10 years - is beginning to look more and more hopeful that it's
> there AND active.
> Ir was my student-time ambition to be the first microbiologist to
> Mars.......
> Lesley Robertson
Even if Im not to be the first microbiologist to get to mars ( even the
102nd lol ) Im living for that day we hear the magic words "Life on MArs".
"It" all changes
then it beomes galatactic community time. New morals, new agendas and
imperatives and of course above all NEW FOOD. Starngely the news " Fossils
on MArs" would also be equally exciting thoug less edible of course . I
suppose eventaully it will be " Burgers on MArs" then " Extinct species on
Mars " what about "MArtian Independance Day" lol. It s all just so exciting
Id give everyhting I own right now including my Fender Stratocaster to spend
one day living up the line 200 years from now.
I suppose more importantly than microbiologists on Mars we need to send a
cleaning crew to MArs to tidy up the junk rapidly accumlualting on its
surface and least but not last, Inspectors to find the hidden the weapons
of mass destruction we all been a hunting for.
Have an great weekend
Best N10 Astronaught candidate