[Microbiology] Re: Photographing bacteria in a Gram's stain

orbii orbii at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 14 05:51:46 EST 2005

"First of Three of Six" <firstofthreeofsix at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:Dv6Ae.36608$oJ.11643 at news-server.bigpond.net.au...
> Hi can anyone share tips and tricks on capturing images of bacteria
> stained by Gram's method.
> I'm using an Olympus BX51 with a DP70 and capturing the images using
> Olysia BioReport.
> While I'm finding the process excellent for larger organisms via a 40
> objective, when using oil 100 focusing and sharpness have suffered.
> Everything looks good on the screen, but then I transfer the image (saved
> as tif and usually around 36 MB) and attempt some manipulation with
> Photoshop to resize to 96 dpi and save as jpg (10/10 quality) the picture
> degrades a little.
> Thanks in advance. I'm mostly keen to get any help on the best focussing
> techniques people use.

you might want to check a few things in photoshop if u having grungy
resizing issues.  look in preferences, and make sure that IMAGE
INTERPOLATION is set to no less then BICUBIC (SMOOTHER).  once that's set,
now rezise it again and see.

another thing too is that you might want to view your files at 100%
resolution, or u'll confuse yourself.

when you saving jpg also, u can do 300dpi, i'd suggest doing 300dpi.  works
good both for prints and also if need be easy to convert to 72 web size.

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