[Microbiology] Re: Photographing bacteria in a Gram's stain

First of Three of Six firstofthreeofsix at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 10 05:50:59 EST 2005

"Scott Coutts" <scott.coutts at med.monash.edu.au> wrote in message 
news:uQ6Ae.36633$oJ.18937 at news-server.bigpond.net.au...
> First of Three of Six wrote:
>> Hi can anyone share tips and tricks on capturing images of bacteria 
>> stained by Gram's method.
>> I'm using an Olympus BX51 with a DP70 and capturing the images using 
>> Olysia BioReport.
>> While I'm finding the process excellent for larger organisms via a 40 
>> objective, when using oil 100 focusing and sharpness have suffered.
>> Everything looks good on the screen, but then I transfer the image (saved 
>> as tif and usually around 36 MB)
> What are you doing with them? You probably dont need to photograph them at 
> such high resolution (well, with such large file sizes I should say).
> >
>> and attempt some manipulation with Photoshop to resize to 96 dpi and save 
>> as jpg (10/10 quality) the picture degrades a little.
> >
> Why do you want them at 96dpi? Do you need large image sizes? You may find 
> that the images are better when recorded in lower resolutions to begin 
> with if you dont need the print size.
> >
>> Thanks in advance. I'm mostly keen to get any help on the best focussing 
>> techniques people use.
> Well, for focussing, I just focus until it's as sharp as I can get. Not 
> much you can do once you've done that.

Now that memory is so cheap I record the material at the best quality I can 
and use photoshop to resize for a variety of purposes. I usually resize to 
20 cm by 15 cm and 72 or 96 dpi for Intranet pages that I use for education.
For printing (examinations, quality assurance or just for fun) I resolve to 
300 and vary the size according to the print size I want. These smaller 
image files are usually deleted and I retain the original file on a server 
and portable media. I don't keep everything, just the images I like. This 
doesn't just apply to photomicroscopy but all forms of image capture.

Thanks for answering my questions, I just wanted to make sure I was doing 
everything possible to optimise my material.

As for capture as a lower magnification, it's a bit hard to see things like 
polar staining or vacuolation in a bacterium at less than using a 100 oil 
immersion objective.

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