Lesley Robertson wrote:
> "Scott Coutts" <scott.coutts at med.monash.edu.au> wrote in message
> news:V4Mxe.12898$oJ.2999 at news-server.bigpond.net.au...>>>Hi Larry,
>>>>Are they the flasks with the sealed tube projecting from the neck? If so,
>>yeah, I'd considered them, but it would be more convenient to have one
>>that allows us to automate the procedure. Since we're buying new specs
>>anyway, I thought it would be best to see if we can get a model that will
>>do the widest range of things we need (: The thing is, I'm pretty sure
>>they exist, I'm just not sure who makes them.
>> There's a few things it would be useful to know - expected volumes, for a
> start. How critical will dissolved oxygen be? Most of the automative reading
> apparatus we had in the past could only manage a very sedate shaking rate,
> which meant that oxygen was frequently limiting as the cultures matured...
> Some years back, I was fortunate to use a spectrophotometer at the Free
> University of Amsterdam which had been adapted to take a full-sized
> continuous culture system (it was used for measuring cytochromes oxidation
> levels at steady state) - 1 litre pot and all. I have an idea that they did
> the adaptions themselves, but I'll try and check - that particular Prof has
> now retired.
Thanks for your help. I've discovered a few systems, several from
Thermo, several from Cecil, and one or two from Beckman. Most of them
take samples from either a custom vessel that comes with the instrument
(these are often actually designed for pharmaceutical tablet dissolution
monitoring) or a user-supplied vessel. Others use a probe that can be
inserted into any vessel. The best I've seen is a stirred, temperature
controlled (peltier) cuvette that fits inside the spec.