[Microbiology] Teaching Assistant PhD scholarship in Environmental Microbiology/Environmental Engineering available

Volodymyr Ivanov (Assoc Prof) CVIvanov at ntu.edu.sg
Thu Dec 22 17:02:02 EST 2005

Teaching Assistant PhD scholarship in Environmental
Microbiology/Environmental Engineering available


We are seeking an international student to undertake a PhD at Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore on physiological diversity of
microbial communities used in environmental engineering. Aim of this
research is to develop the methods to monitor different physiological
states of cells in microbial communities using flow cytometry and
fluorescent microscopy. The successful candidate will be awarded with
Teaching Assistant PhD scholarship, which can be started from July 2006
if application will be submitted before March 2006.

The candidate for Teaching Assistant has to satisfy the higher degree
admission criteria as he/she will have to register as a PhD candidate.
Below are the guidelines for a full-time Teaching Assistant: 1)
candidate will be assigned 20 hours of work per week; 2) candidate will
be paid $2,000 (appr.USD1,200) /month plus graduate fees.


The details of admission, application procedure and application form are
given in homepage:
<http://www.ntu.edu.sg/GradStudies/Coursework+Programmes/> . 

Major points in admission criteria are high grades in related subjects. 

Minimum requirements for international candidate: TOEFL 575,
Quantitative Verbal GRE 1250, and Analytical GRE 3.5.

Enquires and applications should be forwarded to:

Dr. Volodymyr Ivanov 

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

 Nanyang Technological University 

50 Nanyang Ave., Singapore 639798

E-mail: cvivanov at ntu.edu.sg 


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