RNA Isolation

N10 limbic_lesion at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 18 21:29:51 EST 2004

HI TAnvir

As an alternative cant you just  just "pure culture" the bugs from the 
macophages and then extract their RNA..its a standard proceedure for 

Best n10

""Md.Tanvir Rahman"" <rahmanm at uoguelph.ca> wrote in message 
news:1095369724.414a03fcea206 at webmail.uoguelph.ca...
>I am trying to isolate RNA of bacteria from infected mammalian macrophage
> culture. When I isolated the RNA I can see some bands indicating
> presence of mammalian RNA inaddition to my bacterial RNA. I was wondering 
> is
> there any way to isolate only the Bacterial RNA, not mammalian macrophage 
> from that infected culture!!
> With thanks,
> Tanvir
> --- 

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