Nucleotide coding for organismal traits/processes

Brandon bsaudet at tfb.com
Thu Oct 28 01:47:46 EST 2004

Thanks, I'll look into the book.

> Ok. Many biology books, including those used for "biol 1" deal with
> this at some level.
> A book I might suggest...
> D P Clark & L D Russell, Molecular Biology made simple and fun, 2/e.
> Cache River Press, 2000. ISBN
> 1889899046. This book is intended for both a general audience and a
> wide range of science students. It presents the basics
> of molecular biology in a way that is readable and fun, yet
> scientifically quite sound. It may be helpful as an introduction for
> some students. Others will just find it fun.
>     For a brief preview of the book, check their web site:
> http://www.cacheriverpress.com/
> It is an inexpensive paperback (about $35 I think), available mainly
> thru them directly. It is readable by high school kids or your mother.
> So it would not be a big investment to get it, and you could easily
> find a good home for it when/if done. Could be a good place to start,
> if you would like to do some reading on your own.
> And by the way, there is much need for people who combine business and
> biology. The biotech industry has been one of the great booms of the
> last couple of decades, with -- presumbaly -- much more to come.
> bob 

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