Assistant Professors, Microbial Ecology/Environmental Microbiology & Microbial Physiology/Biochemistry

Scott Russell srussell at ou.edu
Tue Oct 26 15:30:35 EST 2004

Assistant Professor, Microbial Ecology/Environmental Microbiology
Assistant Professor, Microbial Physiology/Biochemistry
Department of Botany and Microbiology
University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK

Two tenure-track faculty positions (both at the assistant professor level) 
starting in the summer of 2005 are available in the Department of Botany 
and Microbiology at the University of Oklahoma. Applicants for the 
Microbial Ecology/Environmental Microbiology position must use molecular or 
genomic approaches in their research, preferably with anaerobic 
microorganisms or systems. Applicants for the Microbial Physiology/ 
Biochemistry position should use genomic or genetic approaches to examine 
bioenergetics, enzymology, or pathways, preferably of novel anaerobic 
processes.  We are interested in outstanding individuals who will establish 
strong, externally-funded programs, and participate in undergraduate and 
graduate instruction. Successful applicants will augment existing strengths 
in anaerobic microbiology and possibly take advantage of opportunities in 
the University's Integrative Life Sciences Initiative. Information on the 
University, the Department, and the Norman community is at 
http://www.ou.edu/, http://www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/, and 
http://etecok.com/nedc/. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Microbiology or 
closely related field, and postdoctoral experience.

Applicants should send a cover letter describing their research and 
teaching interests, a c.v., representative publications, and arrange to 
have three confidential reference letters sent to:

      Dr. Gordon E. Uno, Chair
      Department of Botany and Microbiology
      University of Oklahoma
      770 Van Vleet Oval
      Norman, OK, 73019

Review of applications will begin December 1, 2004, and will continue until 
the positions are filled. 

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